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 manifesto comenius verde
 L'Istituto “Foderà” di Agrigento rappresenta l’Italia nell’ambito del progetto Europeo
“Friendly People for Friendly Energy”
 Si tratta di un partenariato scolastico multilaterale biennale condiviso  assieme ad altri istituti scolastici di altrettanti Paesi Europei 
(Polonia, Bulgaria, Romania, Ungheria, Belgio,  Turchia).
 L’obiettivo è quello di migliorare le conoscenze sulle fonti di energia rinnovabile,  incoraggiando i ragazzi a curarel’ambiente naturale su scala nazionale ed  europea  migliorandone nel contempo le abilità di comunicazione in lingua inglese. 
Il progetto ha avuto il sostegno anche della Provincia Regionale di Agrigento, del Museo Archeologico San Nicola e del Comune di Agrigento

 Il secondo  incontro in Ungheria

Eccoci al secondo traguardo del nostro percorso verso l’Europa: Incontro  a Budapest dei sette paesi partecipanti al PROGETTO COMENIUS”Friendly People for  Friendly Energy”. La settimana dal 13 Marzo al 18 Marzo 2011 siamo stati ospiti dei nostri amici Ungheresi a Budapest. I nostri alunni come al solito, sono stati ospiti di famiglie del luogo. E’ stata una settimana molto intensa che ci ha riservato tantissime sorprese. Il nostro coordinatore ungherese, Zoltan Sallai, ci ha coinvolto in tante, diverse e accattivanti attività non solo all’interno della scuola, ma anche al di fuori e ci ha dato la possibilità di visitare Budapest da ciclisti. Le attività, ovviamente, sono state sempre inerenti l’argomento centrale del progetto ed in particolare in questa sede abbiamo scambiato informazioni, tramite presentazioni di power point, sulle diverse risorse di energie rinnovabili- la nostra scuola ha presentato i pro e i contro della geotermia- e notizie sul sistema scolastico, la vita a scuola, i progetti, le attività, la valutazione ect.

La settimana è stata stupenda per tutti….

Alla prossima……………… Ci incontreremo ancora a SHUMEN, Bulgaria

locandina an inconvenient truthPrima della partenza per Budapest i nostri alunni del "Foderà" e del "Brunelleschi" hanno assistito alla proiezione del film "An Inconvenient Truth" e così lo hanno commentato: 

 Fabiola Dalida Guarneri: The film on GW was very interesting. I is obvious that climate change is a threat to all ecosystems putting at risk also our life      because of the intensity of extreme weather events.. in the movie we saw how many scientists are inetersted in the problem and we learned what kind of dangers are caused by GW.

I think t prevent the risks and dangers of GW   on the earth it will be necessary to reduce the emissions of carbon dioxide and the other gases which cause this menace.

Pecoraro Giuseppe: he film was a discussion on GW and what can happen if we don’t act immediately. This is to deny too many people who believe that the earth is so great that we can’t damage it; but the earth athmosphere is so weak that you really can change its composition.

I think that GW and pollution of our country and our world is a seious problem that should not be underestimated. I advise everyone to try to avoid unnecessary emissions of CO2 and don’t pollute the environment where we live in. Walking and avoiding using cars, buying last generation appliances, using euro4 or euro 5 cars we could help the environment.

Vaianella Ilaria: I think that everyone know more or less what’s happenign in the world. The entirely ecosystem is upset by pollution and I am shocked. E cannot longer ignore environmental issue, we cannot longer destroy nature. We live in a world tha is suffering. The earth belong to everybody. E can’t wash our hands and believe it is not our problem. Thanks for pointing out at this problem with this documentary.

La Porta Salvatore: To avoid GW we would decrease eergy consumptions sucg as: to wash at night, to use electrical household appliance only if necessary, to reduce the use of batteries, to avoid the use of motor-vehicles, to use public transport or bicycles.

Faroudi Hajar: Money or the earth? I choose the earth because it is very important for people, animals and environment.

I think that it is necessary to sensitize people not to pollute through the pubblicity in the schools.

Vella Roberto: I think that it is a very important problem that all mankind should focun on. We should start quite from young people and in the school to promote such topic and to let students understand how to manage it in our school, in families, in our cities.

Martino Daniele: It is essential to develop alternative energy: wind energy, thermonuclear, geothermic energy, solar energy etc. Mankind is sitting on a ticking time bomb. We have a moral duty to change the situation. A change can start from the individuals: Just inflating tires at the right place can reduce emissions, as well as using low energy bulbs, using car only when necessary, plantin trees, buying hybrid cars. Using air conditioning only when necessary, switch off electronic equipment.

i lavori che abbiamo presentato
                                  geothermal energy 7 min                            school year 6 min
                                          geotermal energy                                                        shool year
                                 slogan 2                            global warming
                                                 slogan                                                             global warming

.... qualche immagine della nostra settimana ungherese ......

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Our Opinion about meeting in Budapest

lorella gilottiI participated  to the two first meetings of the Comenius Project: in Bielsko-Biala and Budapest The two meeting have been different in their organizations of activities and visits. Both have been interesting and attractive for me. Beyond the knowledge we learn, not only students but also teachers,  The best thing is the opportunity the project gives to each of us to meet people, to make friendships, to visit places, to improve our skills in foreign languages, to know about other cultures and habits.  Budapest is wonderful and big, the hospitality by our partners has been great and also the activities and entertainments Zoltan  has been able to think for us, very, very unusual and pleasant.  I liked very much to stay there and I learned I have to do more to involve my students and let more people to take part to this initiative.

roberto vellaAmong many projects organized at my school” Comenius project ”is, in my opinion, a very interesting project related to my school timetable and it could give good suggestions for my school career, for the topic it involves: that is- clean Energy- and preservation of our planet.The project involves seven European countries.The project implies visits of all groups to the other countries and its central aim is: promoting the most widespread source of clean energy in the territory of each country.I took part to the visit in Hungary, its capital Budapest and, more specifically, I have been chosen as a student of my school to represent Italy.Certainly, going abroad is important for the background experience that every student  could get in a foreign country, since you can live personally the experience, you can realize of the habits of native people, , live in a family that is not yours as a guest .Personally, I think that I will always carry this  wonderful experience in my memory.I have learned  many new things about clean energy but I also made new experience and learned a lot of customs, ways of life  of other countries and, more specifically, about Hungary. Some aspects of the Hungarian school that impressed me a lot are for ex, the organization of the school, the system of it, that is completely different from the Italian one. The extracurricular activities students are involved in, the possibilities to have lunch or simply a snack with other students, or just sit and chat with them or listen to music or dance during the break.I liked very much riding  a bike around the city and visit monuments and parks during the trip. I have met so many young people there and I hope that these  could become real friendship and meet them again in different situation.


pietro infurnaThe Comenius project is primarily focused on alternative energy. 
This project has involved many European countries such as Italy, Belgium, Hungary, Bulgaria and many other countries. 
Like other kids at my school, I also had the privilege to participate in this project and  stay in a Hungarian family. 
Our stay in Hungary, the period of 5 days, was set so that you never get bored. 
In reality, the days alternated between the outputs, activities at school and free time to socialize with people from other countries. in short, the project includes many positive aspects, and especially training. In fact, during our trip, we had the possibility, to visit a city we hadn’t never been before,  learnt  traditions and customs of the place. 
Another good thing was to live in a local family, as well as to socialize more with people and had the opportunity to further improve our English. Above all, this project has given us an opportunity to learn something more about alternative energy sources, but especially the importance of energy. 
In fact it is almost essential for humans to continue to use such sources,  avoiding depleting or destroying the planet with pollution. In Budapest the students of each country partner has shown pros and contras of different resources. Speaking of all these topics has sensitized the respect of the land in us.  We have realized that the earth is almost tired of us and therefore we must do our best to protect it.
This is one of the objectives we have set up during the visit in Budapest of the Comenius project.
Another goal we have set was to meet again: during our stay there, in six days, we socialized with many people, build lasting relationships that no one could ever imagine.
I have a dream: to meet  my friends again.


Thanks to this project students and teachers are more and more interested in the working plan and in all activities involved. Students are motivated since scientific and tech proposals stimulate their interests. In Shumen they worked in enlarged groups within different classrooms with the help of all teachers. These exchange of information, news, scientific details and the practical use of different computer programs helped our students to take part to all the activities in a self-assessed way and to improve their tech and language skills. In this way all the participants will be encouraged to continue to work together and support each other. Moreover, we could consider our meetings as an occasion which will provide a feedback on the outcomes of the project. Each experience makes us grow.

Miccichè Maria Rita